One day the light will flash before your eyes, make sure it’s worth watching, it’s worth waiting. As, where the climate is dying and mother earth is crying. It is one the of the fiasco that us, the humans have done to the environment.
Well, I believe that we still have time to undergo our irresponsible behavior and Paris agreement is our opportunity. Earth is all what we have common and the small acts of individuals when multiply by millions, it can transform the entire world.
Let’s do the implementations of the ways needed to save our resources from getting exploited.
Don’t let the things you want; make you forget the things you already have. The same we all, humans are currently have been proceeding with as we all are running for things which we don’t have may it be luxury, money, fast fashion or Veblen goods. In this race we leave behind our mother earth and forget to appreciate, preserve her from getting her natural resources exhausted because there are enough resources to satisfy needs of humans but not the greed’s of humans.
The question is: do we want are future generation to have a healthy life with all the resources, climate, and so on needed to sustain? If yes, then we need to get together for implementation. Let’s stop questioning others, what they our doing about this and see what we have done for our mother earth and what else we can do to make a better place to live!
How many more reports and discussions we want to realize we are in inadequate, unacceptable situation and we are running out of time, as the worst obstacles brings us the most beautiful life changing opportunities. So, see them, seek them. Before it’s too late and our future generation have to pay for our deeds.